Living Independently, Financially, and Emotionally (LIFE)
The LIFE program provides pre- and post-transitional and financial support services to current and former foster youth between the ages of 17 and 21. Participants in the program are partnered with a Transition Support Specialist who assists them with a variety of tasks needed to promote stability and independence as they enter adulthood. Our goal is to increase positive outcomes in employment, education, housing, and health for current and former foster youth who have aged out of care by providing supportive guidance, connecting them to local resources, assisting with some of their financial needs, and helping them identify and meet goals they set for themselves.
The LIFE Pantry
Former foster youth entering adulthood are often tasked with acquiring furnishings and basic home necessities on their own. The LIFE Pantry is made up entirely of donated supplies from our local community. Former foster youth participating in our program benefit from being able to collect some essentials for their new apartments or dormitories at no cost to them. If you are interested in contributing to the LIFE pantry, please follow the link below!
Marisa Rayos
PAL & LIFE Director
(325) 947-7233
[email protected]
What We Help With
The PAL LIFE program provides proactive, intensive transition and financial support services. The program is designed to be a tool to help youth and young adults learn how to be successful in achieving independence. Transition Support Specialists work with each youth or young adult to develop an individualized transition plan outlining their goals. Transition Support Specialists take a proactive approach with youth and young adults to prepare them to successfully prevent or manage future challenges, rather than waiting for crises to occur. Transition Support Specialists work to meet the unique needs of each youth or young adult and provide as much assistance as possible while they are participating in the program.
- Direct youth to appropriate community resources
- Inform youth about benefits and how to access them
- Assistance with completing applications (housing, jobs, college, vocational programs, etc.)
- Assistance with accessing funds for higher education
- Teaching life skills and preparing youth for adulthood
- Assisting youth with problem solving and self-improvement
- Reminding youth about important deadlines (i.e. filing taxes, applying for college, etc.)
- Providing emergency funds for room and board and other unexpected financial hardships
Contact us
8613 West County Road 60
Midland, Texas 79707
tel 432.694.7728
fax 432.694.9972